Coming up with creative ways to raise funds for your private school can be a challenging process, especially if you’ve never had to manage such an endeavor before. Luckily, there are more than a few tried and true methods that can inspire charitable contributions with only a moderate effort and minimal investments. Whether you’ve been asked to help boost the school’s monetary reserve in a group fundraiser or you’re taking the initiative to do so independently, with a bit of research and persistence, you can meet all of your organization’s fundraising goals quickly. To help you get started, here are 4 ways you can start attracting more donations in any private school fundraising event.
1. Honoring Contributors with Engraved Bricks
One way to encourage prospective contributors to pitch in is to offer them the opportunity to have their names or the names of their organizations engraved in bricks along a commemorative walkway. You’ve probably seen such walkways or displays in parks and other commonly frequented public areas where fundraising events of the past are highlighted via a list of honorable mentions.
Many individuals or companies who are looking for positive publicity will view this as a chance for them to be a part of something constructive in their community. You can find laser engraved bricks easily simply by searching for engraved bricks near me. It’s amazing just how much you can raise with a project like this, especially if the bricks are in commemoration of someone who’s passed.
2. Use Online Crowdfunding Platforms
While private schools are typically locally funded entities, it’s certainly possible to attract a fair amount of support through crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe. Of course, taking this route isn’t as easy as simply signing up for the platform and putting up a profile because you’ll also need to craft a well-written page for your fundraiser.
There are plenty of guides that will help you create an effective crowdfunding campaign but not all advice will be useful for private schools.
3. Sell School Merchandise
Selling branded merchandise can help any company or school raise extra funds and it’s a relatively straightforward process thanks to the various types of merchandise that can be printed. For example, you can design t-shirts on sites like Teespring and have them ready to order without spending any overhead. After an order is placed by a contributor, the shirt is then printed and sent directly to them. Dropshipping merchandise will keep you from having to purchase and store a large amount of merchandise upfront, which could lead to losses if you don’t meet your sales projections.
4. Promote Donation Events via Social Media Networks
Let’s not forget the power of social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for rapidly building large followings and contributor bases. This is an especially useful method to leverage if you already have a significant number of friends or followers in your social circles. Even if you don’t yet have an expansive web presence, building one for the sake of your private school’s fundraiser can help you make new friends along the way.
If you really want to give your best fundraising effort, try diversifying your outreach with all four of the methods mentioned above. With the right planning and resources, your private school could be funded beyond your initial expectations.